IGACOS: Pearl Farm Beach Resort

Welcome to Pearl Farm Beach Resort. It is located in Island Garden City of Samal or IGACOS. Samal Island is the big island in front of Davao City. Pearl Farm is a famous tourist destinations here in Davao. I was only able to go to this place because this is where the team building of the company has been held. Above is the Parola Bar. It is the reception area of the beach where the boat would also dock. We were greeted here with the accommodating staff of Pearl Farm. They had given us fresh juice to drink while an orientation had been given about the resort. Maranao Restaurant of Pearl Farm served delicious meals. In our day tour package, it is already inclusive of eat-all-you can lunch that we were really full when we get out from this establishment. Below is only one of the many maps that you will find along the way while strolling Pearl Fa...